This blog.

This is a Christian-fiction storyblog about a
young widowed Christian man and the
fictional town in Ohio where he lives.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Narrow Escape. (Chapter 3)

 Mac raised the hood of his burgundy and black vinyl top
1966 Ford Mustang and got to work replacing the fan belt.
He loosened the alternator to take tension off the old belt
and in no time at all had the new belt on and proceeded to
reposition and tighten back down the alternator. He took
a belt tension gauge to test the tightness and satisfied he
climbed in to start up the vintage 289 cu. in. V-8 to test
the belt.
 The inside of the two-vehicle garage also housed a red
1979 Ford 4x4 pickup truck which was Mac's daily driver.
The truck had a white pickup cap and on the front was a
power winch.
 Mac revved the engine a few times on his Mustang before
shutting it off. He then got out and closed the hood and then
went to a storage box to get out a scroll saw to take over to
the Canfield's as that was his next task.
 Mac loaded the scroll saw into the back of the pickup along
with a few other tools then closed the tailgate and cap door
then went inside the house to let Cornelius out and put him
on his chain which was kept near his doghouse. The doghouse
was a project of both Gary Canfield and Mac.
 Mac came back out with Cornelius and hooked the mastiff
to his chain. Mac then took a metal dog bowl and filled it with
water from a garden hose.
"There you go, big guy," Mac said as he set the bowl next to
the doghouse and then rubbed the dog on the head. "Gotta go
and help your friends, the Canfields."
 Cornelius had taken a great liking to the Canfields, especially
their kids. And their kids were as equally fond of Cornelius.
 As Mac turned to head back to the garage, he heard the sound
of tires screeching out front. It was the kind of screeching made
when a vehicle swerves wildly.
 The screeching grew louder and then the screeching changed
to a loud metallic crash and then to several thunderous booms
that sounded not unlike shotgun blasts.
 Mac's eyes went wide with alarm. Those series of sounds added
up to a vehicle crash against a utility pole, Mac thought.
 He then sprinted toward the garage's back entrance and through
the garage toward the scene unfolding before him.
 A white Saturn sedan had run head-on into a utility pole just across
the road opposite Mac's home. The front end of the car was crumpled
like a paper cup. On the utility pole the transformer was sparking
wildly, emitting a few ear-splitting buzzes.
 Mac, thankful his cellphone was handy immediately called 9-1-1 and
told the operator the situation, immediately adding to send help fast
and that there was a danger of electrocution and fire.
 Mac put his cellphone back on his hip carrier as he darted toward the
wreck. his eyes constantly looking up at the sparking transformer and
power lines. Mac ran up to the driver's side door, the window glass of
the door with such a spiderweb of cracks, he could not see who was in-
-side the car. He immediately ran to the passenger side and peered
into the unaffected front passenger door window and saw that the
driver was a man of about fifty, leaning against the door with his hand
on his chest as he gasped excessively.
 He went into cardiac arrest behind the wheel, Mac thought as he tried
the passenger door.
 Mac's former days as a firefighter/EMT took over as he managed to
get the passenger door open, although it was almost with brute strength
as it was somewhat jammed. The transformer gave off a loud BRRRRR!
that nearly startled Mac and echoed all about the surrounding hills. Mac
knew time wasn't on his side.
 Mac knew he was going to have to act fast. He did not want to think
about what would happen if one of those wires fell.
"Sir." Mac began, "I'm here to help. I'm going to get you out of here."
The driver managed to gasp out, "Huhh-huharrt a-attack."
"Yes sir, I 'm aware of that. Are you hurt anywhere else?"
"Nuhhh-noo! chest burrrnin' up."
" I understand. Just relax and we'll be out of here. I phoned 9-1-1 so
help is on the way. Are you sure you aren't hurt anywhere else?"
"I'm going to get you out now," Mac said, "Just try and relax."
Mac then got the man by his right arm and put it around his right shoulder
then got his hand under hid left arm and slowly pulled him toward the
passenger door opening, sweat beads forming on Mac's forehead from
both effort and fear. Mac began to silently pray as he worked to get
the man to safety:

"Father, I need your protection. Me and this man are in a dangerous
situation and I am asking to keep your protecting Hands around us
as I bring this man to safety. I need your strength through me as well
as your guiding hand in order to bring this man to safety. I do not want
his blood on my hands. Please God, help me bring him to safety in Jesus'
name. Amen."

 The transformer overhead continued to spark and buzz menacingly as
Mac pulled the victim from the car. When he had gotten the victim all
the way out he hoisted the man onto his shoulders doing the fireman's
carry. and moved away from the wreck as fast as he could while carrying
the victim.
 All of a sudden there was a loud CR-R-R-R-RRRAAACK! as the utility
pole snapped where the car had struck it. The crack was immediately
followed by more of those thunderous booms followed by yet another
BRRRRRRRRRR! as the wires snapped.
 Mac, hearing the cacaphony of disaster behind him, ran like the wind
despite the human load he carried on his shoulders.
Don't look back, his mind shouted, Run, Mac! Run!
 Suddenly Mac felt something impact his lower left leg though he felt
no pain. One of the power lines had broken loose and struck Mac on
the leg. Surprisingly, he did not get shocked. Was that wire not live,
 As Mac kept running he felt a burning sensation on his right foot that
also began to spread up his shin and calf. Mac looked down and realized
his feet were on fire! Shocked, Mac realized he must've been walking
on spilled gasoline back at the wreck!
 That wire must've ignited the gasoline on my shoes, Mac thought as
he finally stopped to lay the man down after getting clear enough of
the disaster. He then immediately took off his t-shirt and began
beating the flames on his shoes and jeans.
 Despite the intense pain of being burned Mac immediately began
to administer CPR to the cardiac arrest victim. At about the same
instant he heard a loud WHOOSH! but Mac did not look back for he
knew he had to attend to the victim. He already knew what the sound
was without looking, again firefighter experience. The fallen power lines
ignited the gasoline around the car and sent up a huge fireball to fully
engulf the car in flames.
 Mac prayed silently again as he continued his CPR on the man that he
didn't hear the sound of approaching sirens from the east. Mac started
sweating more profusely but kept on the CPR until help arrived and
kept praying as he did.
 Suddenly, nausea and dizziness began to overtake Mac as the pain and
shock from his own injuries caught up with him. Mac continued CPR
until the scenery around him seemed to swim and then spin around
until darkness overtook him. He felt his arms give out then total

This concludes Chapter Three.

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